We know that when parents feel listened to, valued, and empowered they are better placed to offer support to their children.
Support for Parents includes
One to one therapeutic support
online, over the phone or in person. This can be a one-off session or a programme of up to 6 sessions.
Meet other parents
Through community coffee mornings and ad hoc family events throughout the year.
Overnight Breaks
These take place mid-week at Daisy Lodge and provide an opportunity to meet other parents.
Care Free Choir
Cancer Fund for Children’s ‘Care Free Choir’ supports families impacted by cancer and is also open to our staff and volunteers. The Choir is a place for connection – for families to feel less isolated, to gain confidence, to enhance family relationships and to develop opportunities for personal and group success.
Studies show that choral singing improves our mood. Singing can help decrease stress, depression and anxiety. These benefits are enhanced in a group setting, compared to singing alone. Singing in a group offers a sense of belonging to something bigger than ourselves. It helps us feel that we are needed by the larger community; and this is even more relevant, as all members are impacted by cancer. The choir has become a community; a place where people feel better connected; feel supported and feel empowered.
The choir meets fortnightly on a Wednesday from 6.30-8.30pm at Dundonald Presbyterian Church.
If you would like more information about joining our Care Free Choir email our Community Services Manager Helen, helen@cancerfundforchildren.com.
If you would like to find out more about Hospital Group Support for your child, please contact your cancer support specialist.