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If you have a press enquiry or would like to know more about children and young people with cancer and their families please email or contact the Communications Team on 028 9080 5599.

Facts & Figures

Cancer Fund for Children empowers, connects and strengthens young people and their families so they feel better equipped to deal with the emotional impact cancer has on their lives.

Every week in Northern Ireland, another three children and young people will be told the devastating news they have cancer and many more children will be struggling to cope with their parents cancer.
We support on average 500 families and 1,500 children and young people age 0-24 every year including siblings and children who have been bereaved.
Our team of experienced Cancer Support Specialists are trained in the fields of social work, counselling and youth and community work. They help families cope with the impact cancer has on their lives, and support them through life during and after treatment and, sadly in some cases, bereavement.
Cancer Fund for Children understands the devastating impact a cancer diagnosis and its treatment can have on the whole family and that beyond the essential clinical care there is a family life that needs to be rebuilt.

Spokes People

Phil Alexander, CEO

Phil Alexander has been with Cancer Fund for Children for ten years, formerly as Director of Services, and prior to that spent four years working as our Residential Services Manager.

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