Hold your own event

Planning your own event is a great way to support us as there are so many types to choose from. Whether organising a gala dinner, head shave, fun day or football match, there will be an event to suit you, and we’ll be here to support you every step of the way.

Download our fundraising pack below which includes fundraising suggestions, links to set up online giving pages, a blank poster to promote your event, plus information on how your fundraising makes an impact.

Once downloaded, a member of our Fundraising Team will get in touch and be there to help support you, providing advice or answering any questions you may have.

For more information, get in touch with us by emailing fundraising@cancerfundforchildren.com or call 028 9080 5599 / 01 562 1580.

Already had an event and want to pay the funds you’ve raised?

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