Cancer Support Specialist Youth and Family | Galway and surrounding counties

Cancer Fund for Children and the Katie Nugent Fund are recruiting a Community based Cancer Support Specialist to support young people diagnosed with cancer and their families in Galway and surrounding counties.

This community-based role will support children diagnosed with cancer (aged 0-24), their siblings and wider families through informal therapeutic social and emotional support, in their own homes, communities and shared care centres.

We welcome applications from people with a recognised experience/professional qualification in one of the following:


Or another relevant professional qualification/s.

Download the job description here.

To apply for this role:

  1. Please provide a CV that clearly demonstrates your relevant work experience and qualifications.
  2. Provide an additional word document (No Longer than 1000 words) which clearly outlines, why you want the role, your relevant experience, skills and attributes linked to the Job Description.  

The closing date to apply for this role is Friday 4th November at 4pm. Please send your CV and supporting evidence to

If you have any queries about this role please contact our Director of Services, Neil Symington e;