Aiden’s Story

13 year old Aiden is sharing his story to encourage the public to get behind Cancer Fund for Children’s Mile in My Shoes event this March.

I was diagnosed with Inter-cranial Germ Cell Cancer in September 2019 after my eyes started giving me problems and I started walking strangely.

I was in hospital for 4 months & then had radiation for about 7 weeks. It was lonely. I could not go to school. In a short space of time, I lost my ability to open my eyes. I had to learn to walk & eat again.

Cancer Fund for Children made me feel normal, like I was no different to any other child. They have always been there. I don’t think I would be where I am today had it not been for them and my family.

If you had to walk a mile in my shoes- you wouldn’t be able to run! I have learned to be careful & less impulsive. I have also learned what matters is how I live. I appreciate the people who are in my life.

I think it’s important that people take part in Mile in My Shoes. By taking part, people are willing to take themselves out of their comfort zone, and are willing to understand how cancer affects the family.

I think it’s time to step out of my comfort zone. I want to tell others how cancer has impacted mine & my family’s life. This is my new normal. I may look & walk different, but I’m still me.
