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/ Events / Hats and Shades

Hats and Shades

Hats and Shades is the perfect way of encouraging pupils to be safe in the sun whilst also raising funds to support local children with cancer, and their families.

The campaign encourages schools and nurseries across Northern Ireland to hold a Hats and Shades Day throughout the summer term, giving pupils the chance to wear their favourite hats and sunglasses for the day, while parents kindly make a donation to Cancer Fund for Children.

What you get

Each school will receive a free fundraising pack when they sign up, including:

  • Activity Sheets
  • Seeds to grow your very own SUNflower
  • Posters
  • Sponsorships form

Schools Visits – Due to Coronavirus, our usual school visits are not as simple as they once were. We now have specially made videos which explain the work of the charity and how your schools fundraising will help us.

Why get involved

Although we don’t see a whole lot of the sun in Northern Ireland, it’s still important that we teach children from a young age about how to take care in the sun – from wearing high factor sun cream, to covering up with a hat and a long t-shirt when playing outside, and especially when the sun’s rays are at their strongest in the middle of the day. Hats and Shades is a campaign that aims to educate children about the very simple steps they can take to stay safe in the sun.

To sign up for Hats and Shades complete the details on the form below, call us on 028 9080 5599 or email 

Sign Up

Setting up your own event

Planning your own event is a great way to support us.

Whether organising a gala dinner, head shave, fun day or football match, there will be an event to suit you, and we'll be here to support you every step of the way.

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